Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do you wave at and talk to a person's chest when you greet them?

Okay, I realize it's an odd question, but I have a point here, so just stick with me and hear me out.

If you're a guy and you're a jerk, then it's possible that you would answer yes to this question, but anybody with any decency waves and talks to the FACE when they see somebody.

I just saw a commercial for McDonald's new Premium Roast Iced Coffee, a commercial which I've seen many times before, but something stood out to me this time.

First, here's the commercial:

Now here's the problem... at the 0:02 point and the 0:22 point, we see the cup lifted toward the mouth so the person can take a sip through the straw. No problem, right? We can conclude something from this, though... the camera is positioned at the person's chest or something.

But wait... let's watch the video again. This time, watch at 0:11 to 0:12. I know it's hard to see with this video quality, but I'm pretty sure I saw it correctly when it was on TV. But anyway... where's this crazy lady looking? The coffee drinker's chest? Is she talking to the coffee drinker's chest too? What the crap? She must be some sort of freak. Who DOES this?!

Those McDonald's marketing people apparently didn't do enough thinking when they did this. Did they not realize there would be people observant enough to figure this out? Well, McDonald's, you can't fool me. You may try to deceive me all you want, but I will continue to figure you out. Plus... it's not like your hamburgers are real meat and that yellow stuff on them is real cheese, so why should I believe this is even real coffee?

All that said, McDonald's, even if I was a coffee drinker, I wouldn't buy from you.


Cameron, Jenny and Family said...

dang why you gotta dawg the little people? can't you see it's a little person, aka midget, walking around with the cup and the lady is looking down towards him/her and smiling. duh!

Paul Brill said...

Notice the conclusion made, though... the camera is positioned at the person's chest because we saw the person lift the cup to take a sip.

Paul Brill said...

Oh, and it's a good thing you brought up the term midget because I wasn't sure what you meant by little person. :)

ZAD-Man said...

Very nice, very nice...