Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Clipless Pedals

Last night I got home and wanted to get my bike all ready to ride and stuff. My new bike is a lot like the old bike I had, but as I mentioned yesterday, I did upgrade the pedals to something a bit nicer. Of course the new pedals required some special shoes to go with them... shoes that lock onto the pedals instead of just fitting into an external toe clip or something.

Well, I had never used clipless pedals before, so it was a little interesting when I tried them last night. The shoes locked on to the pedals pretty well, but when I was getting pretty close to stopping, I couldn't get them to detach. I came to a complete stop, and my left shoe was completely connected to the pedal, so my only option until I was able to figure it out was to take off the shoe and leave it connected.

Well, I figured out that you just slide your heel out, and it'll unlock pretty easily. But then I thought about how funny it would have been if both shoes were connected and I had to stop... not knowing how to unlock the shoes. My shoes would be connected, and since I would be stopped, there would be nothing to keep my balance up, so I would just fall over with my feet still on the pedals. What a sight that would be to see. Good thing that didn't happen. :)


David Oakes said...

I want to see that happen

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind seeing that happen also. Haha.

ZAD-Man said...

I thought that's what you were going to say happened...way to be anticlimactic...