Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bluetooth MP3 player and bluetooth headphones

Probably the best purchases I've made recently... the Insignia Pilot and Insignia Bluetooth Wireless Behind-the-Head Headphones. It's cool to have my MP3 player next to me and my headphones on but have nothing connecting the two. Something tells me, though, that I'll be listening to headphones a lot more often now. These will be especially nice when I get my bike.

Yay for the Best Buy proprietary brand!


Nathan said...

Ach, that would be awesome for snowboarding. Maybe by the time the next season rolls around, I'll be making money and be able to actually afford new goodies like that. =D

Ooo, and since I wouldn't want to give up my sexy 80 GB iPod, I just found this spiffy little guy:

I doubt that'll be the best option in half a year, but it's good to see stuff like that in the works. Word up.

Paul Brill said...

In the works? That article is almost two years old. ;)

Nathan said...
