Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well, it's about time... I finally got my new bike. I actually bought it yesterday, but I didn't have a way to get it home. I figured I'd let them change out my pedals for the 50/50 clip/platform pedals until I could pick up the bike anyway. Anyway, today my friend Jake took me out to the bike shop in Taylorsville, and we got it back to my house.

I've been anxious to get this bike for so long... ever since my last bike was stolen from my utility closet at my old apartment (ugh). It's nice to live in a higher class area now.

Here's a picture of what my bike looks like... color and all...

So, those of you in Salt Lake... let me know when you want to ride! I'll be going every day during lunch, at least. Then weekends I'll be doing some longer trips, possibly to the canyons or around some other hilly parts of the valley. There are quite a few routes I want to take, so I'll probably be going all the time until it gets too cold in the fall. Yay for physical activity!


Cameron, Jenny and Family said...

Cool, I want a bike. Also, you have a lot of thoughts! 15 in 6 days. Whoa!!

David Oakes said...

Im thinking of starting a biker gang called Neumont Angels want to be the leader.

Paul Brill said...

Yeah, let's do it! We'll totally rule this valley! We will be feared by all.