Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fulfilling My Sister's Request

Breakfast: 16 oz 1% milk with two scoops of chocolate peanut butter swirl Spiru-Tein
Snack: Strawberry yogurt ZonePerfect nutrition bar
Lunch*: Four slices of pineapple pizza from Little Caesars, one slice of pepperoni pizza from Little Caesars, basic salad with a small amount of ranch, two oatmeal raisin cookies, one chocolate chip cookie
Snack: Chocolate mint ZonePerfect nutrition bar
Dinner: 16 oz 1% milk with two scoops of chocolate peanut butter swirl Spiru-Tein

... plus 112 ounces of water throughout the day so far

*Thursday is Institute day, and we always get plenty of free food, so I tend to overdo it.

I hope you can all benefit from knowing my food intake for the day. I will be sure to keep you updated throughout the weekend.


David Oakes said...


Cameron, Jenny and Family said...

Yes please, that's definitely want to read when I jump over to your blog. (I want to say "Not" after that, but I just can't do it). I'm just thinking it.