Thursday, August 12, 2010

Total Irony

I just had a conversation on AIM that was totally the perfect example of irony. I've never talked to nor heard of this guy before. I thought I'd share.

(8:29:30 AM) tekservejimd: hi were speaking with the wrong jim
(8:42:38 AM) Paul Brill: And I believe you're speaking with the wrong Paul then
(8:43:02 AM) Paul Brill: Because I don't know who you are
(8:43:30 AM) tekservejimd: are you Paul from Locate IT?
(8:43:36 AM) Paul Brill: Negative
(8:43:48 AM) tekservejimd: Paul from Viadex?
(8:43:53 AM) Paul Brill: Negative
(8:44:07 AM) tekservejimd: Paul from where?
(8:44:18 AM) Paul Brill: You want to know who I work for?
(8:44:35 AM) tekservejimd: Paul from Tekerve UK?
(8:44:47 AM) Paul Brill: I live in Utah
(8:45:13 AM) Paul Brill: You know, in the USA
(8:45:35 AM) tekservejimd: did you IM jim amato?
(8:45:40 AM) Paul Brill: No sir
(8:45:51 AM) Paul Brill: That's why I'm telling you you're talking to the wrong Paul
(8:46:04 AM) Paul Brill: ... which is ironic since you said I was talking to the wrong Jim
(8:46:09 AM) tekservejimd: ok...sorry about that
(8:46:26 AM) Paul Brill: I love irony
(8:46:34 AM) Paul Brill: Thank you for the cool story
(8:46:44 AM) tekservejimd: np

That was awesome.


ZAD-Man said...

Hehehe, that really is awesome. :)

ZAD-Man said...

Well that's awkward...I read this, not remembering it, then came here to comment and saw that I already had...hmmm...

DrCJones said...

I like cheese.

ZAD-Man said...

Hahaha...I forgot that I read this yet again and was thinking of leaving a comment. Perhaps this will become a bi-yearly tradition.